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The JSE offers a pool of data which include market statistics, corporate actions, historical data on prices and indices, super replicas scam equity funds and other market information. Such information is made available to assist the investing public to make informed decisions and forecast possible market trends.

Market Statistics

The trade sheet reports the stock prices for each security, along with other market statistics.

The trade sheet is available for the respective periods stated below:

The market summary provides information in a condensed manner for the specified period.

The summary report is available for the respective period, please click below:

The JSE currently maintains nine indices.  This section provides information on all the indices.

Historical data on corporate actions, such as dividends, bonus, stock split, rights issue, etc. are available as far back as 1995.

Monthly statistics reports a summary on the activity in each market and market performance on a monthly basis. 


The JSE has five markets for companies to list their securities: the Junior Market, Main Market, Bond Market, USD Equities Market, Private Market

For information on all companies that have listed securities on the JSE Main Market.

For information on all companies that have listed securities on the JSE Junior Market.

For information on all companies that have listed securities on the USD Equities Market.

For information on all companies that have listed securities on the JSE Private Market.

For information on all  companies that have listed securities on the JSE Bond Market.

Find any instrument that has been listed or delisted on the JSE’s markets.

Equity Funds

Comprised of companies in the financial services industry.

Comprised of companies in the manufacturing and distribution industry.


For historical stock prices as far back as 1995.

For historical data on all the indices as far back as 1995.

For historical data on indices and stock prices are available as far back as 1969.

Other Market Information

For further information on Circuit Breaker, Corporate Governance Index, Regional Stock Information, Net Asset Values, and Bond Indices Report.

The JSE utilizes circuit breakers to halt securities when trading occurs outside of the predefined parameter.

The JSE recognizes the importance of embracing and promoting sound corporate governance practices among listed organisations. 

Please click below to view trade and summary sheets from the regional exchanges.

For net asset values (NAVs) of equity funds.

The JSE tracks the performance of investment grade bonds around the Caribbean.