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All Listed Companies are required to report any pertinent, important and relevant information that should be disclosed to their shareholders. To report to the JSE,  the JSE Rules provide guidance on what is material for disclosure. These disclosure notices must be submitted.

Featured News

A compilation of the major Company News, Corporate Actions, Upcoming AGM’s or EGM’s and the Bond Indices on a weekly basis. It is published each week in Jamaica’s Sunday Gleaner.

Here you will find information on new markets and product offerings, important announcements and notices.

The Regulatory Market Oversight Division gives periodic updates on findings,  reports and information regarding market infractions, compliance and other regulatory related information.

A series of financial discussions on digital audio files for easy listening. A convenient and integrated way to manage personal consumption of financial news and happenings in the financial sector, including the Jamaica Stock Exchange.

Listed Company Updates

News on companies that have acquired, whole or partially, or participated in takeovers of other companies.

Additional Public Offerings (APO) is a listed company offering additional shares to the public for purchase. An Initial Public Offerings (IPO) are shares not yet listed being offered for purchase.  

New hire of Senior Officers, Management or Board Members must be disclosed to the Stock Exchange within the specified period.

Change in Senior Officers, Management or Board Members positions must be disclosed to the Stock Exchange within the specified period.

An asset, property, security or a portion of its business that is sold by the company.

This is when the company announces that their Board of Directors will meet to decide if they will declare a dividend payment.

This is the announcement advising shareholders of the amount to be paid, date of payment, record date and ex-date. 

Announcement of listed companies’ Annual General Meeting, Extra-ordinary Meeting or any other Meeting to be held.

News on companies that have participated in a merger.


Net Asset Value (NAV) of funds. 

Advisories and market releases from listed companies that do not fall within the other categories.

Dismissal, resignation or retirement of Senior Officers, Management or Board Members must be disclosed to the Stock Exchange within the specified period.

All purchases, sales or transfers by Senior Officers, Management, Board Members or connected parties must be disclosed to the Stock Exchange within the specified time.

Listed Company Financial Reports

Every listed company is mandated to submit their Annual Report within 120 days after the end of their financial year.

All listed companies must submit their Audited Financials within 60 or 90 days after the end of their financial year.

These must be submitted by the listed company every quarter during their financial year.

Circulars & Offer Documents

The directors’ circular is a document addressed to shareholders recommending the acceptance or rejection of an offer.

A prospectus is issued by a company when it is offering shares to the public. Therefore a prospectus is a formal legal document that provides details about the investment offering. It normally contain facts that aids an investor in making informed investment decisions.

A Right’s Issue Circular is a document addressed to shareholders detailing the provisions of a Rights Issue Offer.

A Take-Over Bid Circular is a document addressed to shareholders outlining an offer to purchase the majority shares in the company.