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Pan Caribbean Financial Services – Board Movements

The following persons were appointed Directors to the Board of PCFS effective February 7, 2005: Dodridge Miller, Pat Downes-Grant and Terrence Martins. Also the resignation of the following Directors were

RBTT Financial Holdings Ltd.(RBTT) – Resignation

Ms. Neera Lakhan has resigned as corporate secretary of the Company effective October 31, 2004 and Mrs. Christine Ragoobar has been appointed corporate secretary with effect from November 1, 2004.

Courts Jamaica Ltd. (CRTS)- Board Movements

The following directors have resigned from the board: Messrs Bruce Cohen, Errol Alliman, Howard Cohen, and Robert Humphries who retired on October 8, 2004. In addition Nigel Blake and Stuart

Salada Foods Jamaica Limited (SALF)- Resignation

Mr. Neville Scott, Chief Financial Officer of Salada Foods, resigned effective Friday September 24, 2004. Miss Donnette Whyte is handling his duties / responsibilities until the position is filled.