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Supreme Ventures Limited Board Resignation and Appointments

Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) has advised that the Board of Directors appointed Mr. James Morrison as a Director on SVL’s Board and that effective November 3, 2016, Mr. Morrison had been appointed as Interim President & CEO and Executive Director.  Mr. Morrison has served SVL in the capacity of Senior Vice President, Group Finance & Chief Financial Officer for over ten years.

The Company also advised that Mr. Robert Nader resigned as a Director on SVL’s Board of Directors on November 3, 2016 and that Mr. Brent Sankar was appointed to fill this casual vacancy effective the said date.  Mr. Brent is a Fellow of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (FCCA) with over 27 years of accounting and financial experience.  He is currently a Partner of Onesta Consulting Limited in Trinidad & Tobago and a Director of I.C.E. Jamaica Limited.