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JSE National Investor Education Week Sept 18 -21, 2011

National Investor Education Week 2011
 “Positioning yourself for Financial Recovery”
      In today’s financial environment, it is the survival of the financial fittest. This year’s National Investor Education Week aims to assist Investors and potential investors on how to become financially fit in a difficult environment, including how to protect their assets against inflation and other risks. The week is also geared to assist stakeholders stay ahead of the crises and emerge fitter and faster than the crowd. This will allow participants to make better use of the opportunities that present themselves.
Week’s Activities
Sunday September 18: Church Service St. Andrew Scots Kirk, 43 A Duke Street, Kingston
Monday September 19: Outside Broadcast – Power 106, JSE Office
Wednesday September 21: Expo/Stock Market Game Re-launch – Montego Bay Convention Centre
The Outside broadcast will provide an opportunity for special invited guests to discuss issues as it relates to the current economic environment both locally and internationally. The guests will highlight and inform the public about possible options that are available for business owners and individuals to consider so that they can position themselves for the recovery of the financial sector.
The Expo will see company representatives making ten minutes presentations to the audience covering various topics such as, pension, home purchase, investing, listing on the JSE Junior Market, and starting your own business etc.
This investment Expo is geared towards the following groups but not limited to:
  1. Small and Medium Size enterprises owners,
  2. Current Investors
  3. Potential Investor
  4. Young Professionals
  5. Tertiary level students
  6. High School students
  7. Workers in these sectors – hotel, entertainment, gift shops, attractions, craft venders
At the Expo the JSE will launch its fourth season of the Gleaner Sponsored Stock Market Game for High School. This simulation game is designed for students within the high school system, who compete by trading JA$100,000.00 over a seven months period, with the student with the highest portfolio value declared the winner and the school with the highest combined value adjudged the winner.
The attendees will be able to interact with presenters on a one-on-one basis, provided with literature from the various exhibitors and presenters. Most importantly attendees should be stimulated and be assured that despite the local and global challenges there are opportunities if they are properly informed with a clear and defined goal.    
For further information please contact
Michael Johnson, Charlette Eddie-Nugent or Davia Eastman at:
40 Harbour Street, Kingston
Tele: 876-967-3271 Fax: 876-924-9090 E-mail: