Jamaica Stock Exchange Third Regional Conference “Partnering for Change, Embracing Competition for Regional Advancement in a Global Environment” will be held at the Rose Hall Resort & Country Club, January 29 – February 1, 2008
Christopher Jarvis, External Advisor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and author of the widely circulated article, “The Rise and Fall of Albania’s Pyramid Schemes”, will be among the cadre of speakers at the Jamaica Stock Exchange’s Third Annual Conference on Investments and the Capital Markets which will run from January 29 – February 1, 2008 at the Rose Hall Hotel and Country Club, Montego Bay.
Christopher Jarvis, External Advisor to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and author of the widely circulated article, “The Rise and Fall of Albania’s Pyramid Schemes”, will be among the cadre of speakers at the Jamaica Stock Exchange’s Third Annual Conference on Investments and the Capital Markets which will run from January 29 – February 1, 2008 at the Rose Hall Hotel and Country Club, Montego Bay.
Jarvis’s article, which appeard in the March 2000 issue of ‘Finance & Development’ – the IMF’s quarterly magazine – explored “the dramatic rise and collapse” of several huge pyramid schemes operating in Albania during 1996-1997. His article discusses that country’s crisis and the steps other countries can take to prevent similar disasters.
Jarvis will be among the members of a distinguished panel discussing the topic “Regulating Alterative Investment Schemes”, scheduled for the third day of the conference, Thursday January 31, 2008. Other members of that panel include: George Roper, Senior Director, Securities, Financial Services Commission; Michael Moore, of the United States Securities Exchange Commission and Gregory Fisher, Managing Director of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
The four-day conference will be opened on January 29, 2008 by Jamaica’s Prime Minister Hon. Bruce Golding with a gala banquet at which the Regional Award for Distinguished Service will be presented to Ambassador The Hon. Dr. Richard Bernal, O.J., the Director General of the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery. Opening night speakers include: Mr. Curtis Martin, Chairman of the Jamaica Stock Exchange; Mrs. Marlene Street Forrest, the Jamaica Stock Exchange’s General Manager and Dr. Wesley Hughes, Director General of the Planning Institute of Jamaica.
This year’s conference theme is: “Partnering for Change, Embracing Competition for Regional Advancement in a Global Environment”. Other topics to be explored during the conference include: “Regional Connectivity through Technology”; “The Intricacies of doing Business in China”; and “Expanding Transparency through the Establishment of Credit Rating Agencies and Bureaus”.
Some others include: “Practical Ways of Financing Small Businesses”; “Accumulating Wealth Via the Stock Market”; “Offshore Banking” as well as “How to successfully deal with the trends in Mergers and Acquisitions”.