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Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) Declares Dividend

Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) has advised that their Board of Directors on March 28, 2018, by way of Round Robin Resolution on February 6, 2018, considered and approved that quarterly preference dividends be declared payable on July 1, 2018, to shareholders on record as at the close of business on June 15, 2018, on the undermentioned classes of preference shares. The ex-dividend date is June 14, 2018.

$0.035 on the 7% Cumulative Preference Shares “B”;
$0.025 on the 5% Cumulative Preference Shares “C”;
$0.025 on the 5% Cumulative Preference Shares “D”
$0.03 on the 6% Cumulative Preference Shares “E”