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Wigton Windfarm Limited (“WIG”) – Impact of Hurricane Beryl

Wigton Windfarm Limited trading as Wigton Energy (“WIG”) has advised that a preliminary review of our wind farm operations in Rose Hill, Manchester was completed following the passage of Hurricane Beryl and has confirmed that the wind turbines and warehouses sustained some damage as a result.  

The Company is actively taking all steps to complete a comprehensive assessment to enable the restoration of operations to normal capacity. We are supported by our team members and key stakeholders, to include, our insurers and other partners.   Visual inspections have been done and we are working with the grid operator who will restore all relevant grid transmission lines. This is required for a fulsome assessment as to the nature of any damage to the wind turbines and any repairs to be conducted prior to returning the turbines to production.

It is expected that the wind farm will return to normal operations in due course and further updates will be provided in the event of a material change.

The Company will continue assessments and at this time does not anticipate any significant impact on the business performance of the Company for the year ending March 31, 2025 as a result of this hurricane.  

WIG extends our thoughts and prayers to everyone impacted by Hurricane Beryl and its aftermath and we are especially grateful to those that continue to work tirelessly to ensure the safety and restoration of the affected communities.