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JSE 1st Quarter Market Research Winner Richard Gordon

Meet Richard Gordon the winner of the first quarter 2009/10 Market Research Competition. Richard’s presentation was on Carreras Group Limited.

As a Research Analyst at NCB Capital Markets Richard’s responsibilities include but not limited to  writing reports on daily, weekly and monthly activities in the stock market, money market and local economy, contributing to team analysis regarding critical investment decisions by various departments, conducting valuations of local companies listed on the Jamaican Stock Exchange and the international market and staying abreast of developments in Investment Management and Analysis through journals, seminars, conferences and professional associations.

Richard is also an avid sportsman and has also received many sporting awards which  include;  

Frantz Botec Scholarship for Academic Achievement and Excellence in Cricket (2003)

Carlton Alexander award for Leadership, Academic and Excellence in Cricket (2001)

A member of the Jamaica National Cricket Under 19 Cricket camp (2000-01)

Captain of Kingston Cricket Club’s Junior and Minor Cup Team (2001-07)