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Scotia Investments Jamaica Limited (SIJL)- D B & G Resolution passed at Extraordinary General Meeting


Dehring Bunting & Golding Limited advised that at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on June 6, 2007, the members of the Company passed the following resolution:

 “That the directors be and are hereby authorised to undertake, the acquisition on behalf of the company, of all the issued shares in Scotia Jamaica Investment Management Limited from the Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited (BNSJ) in exchange for 113,936,126 ordinary shares, such shares to be credited as fully paid and to be issued by the company to BNSJ or its nominee and that the directors be and are further authorised to take such steps and sign and deliver such documents as they may deem necessary or desirable to complete the said transaction.” and,

 “That the aforesaid 113,936,126 ordinary shares in the capital of the company, when issued, be converted to 113,936,126 stock units and the directors be authorised to apply to the Jamaica Stock Exchange for a supplemental listing in respect of such stock units.”