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Basis of Allotment of Regency Petroleum Co. Limited’s Initial Public Offering

GK Capital Management Limited, Lead Broker for Regency Petroleum Co. Limited’s Initial Public Offering, has advised that the Company’s basis of allotment will be as follows:

1. Key Strategic Partners and Employees Pool: 100% allocation
    a.  Any shares not applied for by staff becomes available for key partners

2. Associate Loan Conversion Pool: 100% allocation
    a.  Any shares not applied for by staff becomes available for the general public

3. GK Investments Loan Conversion Pool: 100% allocation

4. General Public Pool:
    a.  All applicants receive the first 10,000 shares applied for
    b.  Approximately 5.3% pro-rata share allocation thereafter

Applications in the general pool with the same JCSD number were consolidated and treated as one.